Myriam Spiteri Debono

Myriam Spiteri Debono

A successful first edition of the Ball of the August Moon under this Presidency

As is tradition, the Ball of the August Moon was held at Verdala Palace on the first Saturday of August in aid of The Malta Community Chest Fund. This was the first edition of the Ball organised under the Presidency of Myriam Spiteri Debono.

In a few words on the occasion, President Spiteri Debono thanked all those who attended the Ball of the August Moon because their contribution is crucial for The Malta Community Chest Fund to continue assisting all those seeking help, among others chemotherapy patients.

“I thank you on behalf of those who cannot express their gratitude personally. But if you could see the eyes of those who, in their hour of need, come knocking at our door, and whom we are able to help thanks to your support, you would certainly feel that you are making a noble gesture to others,” said the President of Malta while addressing the individuals and companies that assist The Malta Community Chest Fund throughout the year.

The President expressed her appreciation for the work of the Chairman of the Ball’s organising committee, Marchesino Daniel de Petri Testaferrata, and the committee members for making this event a success.

For his part, Marchesino Daniel de Petri Testaferrata also thanked all the companies and entities that contributed to the successful organisation of this year’s edition.

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