Myriam Spiteri Debono

Myriam Spiteri Debono

Speech by President of Malta, Myriam Spiteri Debono during the Din l-Art Ħelwa 59th Anniversary Celebration Dinner.

It is with pleasure that I am here with you this evening, and this, not only because of the cordial meeting with representatives of the governing body of Din l-Art Ħelwa held on 24th June at San Anton Palace.

As a twelve year old, I remember the setting up on Din l-Art Ħelwa as reported by the Times of Malta of that time. Since then, I have from afar always followed its operations with interest.

The birth of Din l-Art Ħelwa, with its mission statement coinciding with the very first year of Malta’s statehood, laid down the foundation of a national conscience as far as our natural and cultural heritage is concerned.

This is in a very great part due to the efforts and input of the late Judge Maurice Caruana Curran, who was the inspiration behind the foundation of Din l-Art Ħelwa.

Maurice Caruana Curran unstintingly gave his all towards the creation of awareness where the protection and conservation of our heritage is concerned

He continued doing this for 33 years at the helm of Din l-Art Ħelwa.

During the nearly 60 years of the inception of Din l-Art Helwa, his efforts has thankfully borne fruit, since the conservation, protection and restoration of our culture and natural heritage, have acquired their due place in the national agenda.

It is thanks to Maurice Caruana Curran and other pioneers that successive governments have introduced laws protecting our heritage, and all political groupings are in agreement that its protection and conservation have to be continuously sustained.

Whilst taking this opportunity to express my gratitude to all those who give of their time and energy to continue fostering Din l-Art Ħelwa’s mission, I appeal to you all, but particularly to the council to seriously concentrate on nurturing enthusiasm and dedication in young adults, in order to ensure sustainability of our Heritage.

It is not enough that we, the present leaders, give our utmost; we have to ascertain that others younger than we are present and willing to take on our mental in the protection and defence of our National Heritage.

Thank you All.

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